1.         Body segments each with 2 or more erect, segmented, hollow, spine-tipped filaents each             filament half as long as body; forelegs chelate, 4th segment produced apically and edged with a             solid row of small teeth so that 5th segment and claw can be closed on it. . . . . . . Peltodytes

            Body spines, except in 1st instar, never stalked or much longer than length of 1st body             segment; apical abdominal segment produced posteriorly in a forked or unforked horn; forelegs,             if chelate, with 4th segment less produced and without solid row of small teeth. . . . Haliplus

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beetlebannerbeetlebannerbbbbbbbbbbbb WATER BEETLES (COLEOPTERA) OF OHIO

Key to Haliplidae Nymph Genera

From White & Roughly, 2008