Hackle-gilled Burrowing Mayfly (Anthopotamus distinctus Traver, 1935)


First collection, most recent collections, locations, collectors:

1934. Holotype. Lake Co., Willoughby (Chagrin R.); Traver (1935)
1941. Holotype. Cuyahoga Co., Chagrin Falls, (Chagrin R.); Bae & McCafferty (1991)
1991. Lake Co., Willoughby (Chagrin R.); Bae & McCafferty (1991)

Appalachian species, western limit of range.


yellowdot= recent collection (since 2000);reddot = earlier collection.




Neglected Hackle-gilled Mayfly (Anthopotamus neglectus, Traver, 1935)

First collection, most recent collection, location, collector:

2019. Delaware Co., (Olentangy R.); DH Dean.


Neglected Hackle-gilled Mayfly (Anthopotamus verticis, Say, 1839)

First collection, most recent collection, location, collector:

2019; Delaware Co., (Olentangy R.); DH Dean.


First collection, most recent collection, location, collector:

1936; Lake Co., L. Jacobus (pers. commun.)

Walsh's Hackle-gilled Mayfly Anthopotamus myops (Walsh, 1863))

First collection, most recent collection, location, collector:

1975; Shelby Co., (Miami R.); Warren Co. (Little Miami R.); Ashland Co. (Clear Fork R.); McCafferty
1998. Adams Co. (Brush Cr., Lick Fork Ohio Brush Cr., Ohio Brush Cr.); Brown Co. (E. Fork Little Miami R.; White Oak Cr.); Butler Co. (Elk Cr.); Clermont Co. (Backbone Cr.; E. Fork Little Miami R.; Stonelick Cr.); Darke Co. (Greenville Cr.); Delaware Co. (Fulton Cr.); Green Co.; Marion Co. (Scioto R.); Miami Co. (Stillwarter R.; trib. Honey Cr.); Montgomery Co., (Stillwater R.); Sandusky Co. (E. Branch Wolf Cr; Sandusky R.); Washington Co. (Ohio R.); Ohio Biol. Survey. Delaware Co. (Olentangy R.); OEPA.
2019. Pickaway Co. (Big Darby Cr.), DH Dean



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