Say's White Burrowing Mayfly Ephoron album (Say, 1824)


First collection, most recent collections, locations, collectors:

1962; Clark Co.; Erie Co.; Hamilton Co.; Ottawa Co. (Lake Erie); Brill (1962). 1998. Fayette Co. (Paint Cr.). OEPA.


yellowdot= recent collection (since 2000);reddot = earlier collection.




White Miller Mayfly Ephoron leukon Williamson (1802)

First collection, most recent collection, location, collector:

1984. Knox Co. (Mohican R. at Greer), OEPA

1995; Brown Co. (Eagle Cr, at N. Pole Rd. bridge), VII-27-1995; (adult); Clermont Co., (Backbone Cr., off SR 222 near confluence with Little Miami R., VIII-15-1995 (adult); Clermont Co.; ( E. Fork Little Miami R. at Rt 22 canoe launch; E. Fork Little Miami R. off Binning Re. E of SR 222, VIII-15,1995 (adults); E. Fork Little Miami R. S. of SR 50 off Tech Dr, VIII-15-1995 (adults); J. Trybula.

1995. Hamilton Co., Dravo Parak, VIII-1-1995; OEPA.



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