Cerci: The pair of lateral caudal filaments (tails), not including the central caudal filament (tail), when present.

Clypeus: Sclerites of the head between the frons and labrum.

Epicranial suture: Y-shaped articulation of plates on the dorsal surface of the head between the compound eyes.

Fibrilliform: Consisting of many thread-like structures

Fimbriate: Having a fringed margin.

Forceps: Elongate, paired reproductive strucures at the apex of the abdomen in male adults, lateral of the penes.

Frons: Portion of the dorsal surface of the head between the diverging arms of the epicranial suture.

Frontoclypeus: Portion of the head including the frons and clypeus.

Galea-lacinia: Mouthparts; fused galea at the tip of the maxilla, not including the palpus.

Glossa: Mouthparts; innermost paired lobes at the tip of the labium, between the paraglossa.

Habitus: General appearance and posture of the body.

Imago: Winged, adult mayfly. Last stage of development. Sexual stage. See Subimago.

Instar: A larval stage of development, between successive molts.

Labium: Most ventral mouthpoart, consisting of paired lobes and palpi.

Labrum: Most dorsal mouthpart, consisting of single flap-like structure.

Lamella: Thin and plate-like structure.

Macula: Mark or spot of coloration.

Mandibles: Paired chewing mouthparts ventral of labrum and dorsal of maxillae.

Maxillae: Paired mouthparts vnetral of mandibles and dorsal of labium.

Mesonotum: Dorsal sclerites of mesothorax.

Mesoscutum: Hardened exoskelital plates on the mesothorax.

Mesothorax: Middle thoracic segment, bearing the middle pair of legs and front wings or wingpads.

Mesosternum: Ventral sclerite of the mesothorax.

Metanotum: Dorsal sclerites of the posterior thoracic segment.

Metathorax: Posterior thoracic segment, bearign the hind pair of legs and hind wingpads (when the hind wingpads are present).

Naiad: Immature, aquatic life stage of mayflies and cerrtain other aquatic insect orders; used in older literature, but replaced with "larvae" in recent mayfly publications.

Notum: Dorsal sclerite of the thorax.

Nymph: Immature life stage of insects lacking complete metamorphosis, used in older literature but replaced with "larva" in reacent mayfly publications

Occiput: Posterior portion of dorsal surface of head capsule

Ocellus: Simple light-sensing organ on dorsal surface of head (pl.,ocelli).

Operculum: Lid or cover, as in gill covers of some mayflies

Osmobranchiae: Soft, finger-like extension of integument used for osmoregulation, as coxal bases of some mayflies.

Palmate: Pattern consisting of numerous branches radiating out form a central point.

Palpifer: Lobe of maxilla bearing a palpus

Palpus: Finger-like structures on lateral surface of maxilla or labium that is used for food handling.

Paraglossae: Lobes on labium located lateral to glossae and medial of labial palpi.

Parthenogenesis: Reproduction in which an unfertilized egg produces a viable embryo. Males of these species are rare or non-existant.

Pectinate: Comb-like structure.

Pedicel: Second segment of antenna, between scape and flegellum.

Penes: paired reproductive structures at apex of abdomen containing genital ducts in male adults; located between the forceps.

Pronotum: Dorsal sclerites of the prothorax.

Prosternum: Ventral sclerite of the prothorax.

Prostheca: Sclerite attached to median margin of mandible between incisors and molar region.

Psammophilous: Preferring sandy substrates.

Quadrate: Roughly rectangular.

Raptorial: Morphology suited for prey capture.

Scape: Basal segment of antenna

Sclerite: Hardened plate of exoskeleton.

Serrate: Having a saw-toothed edge.

Seta: (pl. Setae): bristle.

Spatulate: Spoon-shaped; flattened witih broad apex.

Spicule: Minute, unsocketed spine.

Subimago: Winged stage of development, unique to mayflies, occurring between larva and adult (imago).

Tarsus: Distal region of leg, bearing one or more claws at apex.

Tergum: Dorsal surface of abdomen.

Tibia: Forth segment of leg, between femur and tarsus.

Trachea: Tube of the respiratory system, including any within gills.

Trochanter: Second segment of leg, between coxa and femur.

Villipore: Patch of short setae near proximal end of ventral surface of femur in some specimens.








Mayflies Terms

(Modified from Klubertanz, 2016)
Mayflies of Ohio