There are two species of Nytiophylax in Ohio, N. affinis and N. moestus (Armitage, et al., 2011). The nymphs of N. affinis* are unknown (Morse, et al., 2017). The nymphs of N. moestus are described as follows:

"Dark color on genae completely enclosing frontoclypeus posteriorly" (Morse, et al., 2017)[with front of frontoclypeus bearing a light area, as is posterior of head; i.e., perietal area (Fig. 1)].

See Armitage, et al. (2011) for counties where these species have been found as adults.

* Ohio EPA does not carry this genus to species

Note: a Nyctiophylax specimen was found in Mirror Valley Cr., Medina Co., which differs from the description for N. moesta (Fig. 2), DH Dean





Caddisflies of Ohio

Key to Species of Nyctiophylax* Nymphs

Modified from Morse, et al., 2017
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