Bowles, D.E. and A. Contreras-Ramos. Chapter 18. Megaloptera and Aquatic Neuroptera. (In) R.W. Merritt, K.W Cummins and M.B Berg. An Introdiction to the Aquaatic Insects of North America (5th Ed.) Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa.

Flint, O and H.H. Neunzig. 2008. Chapter 16. Megaloptera and Aquatic Neuroptera. (In) R.W. Merritt, K.W Cummins and M.B Berg. An Introdiction to the Aquaatic Insects of North America (4th Ed.) Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa.

Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxa List, 2019.

This webpage is created and maintained by Don Dean, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Entomology, The Ohio State University. Please contact me with comments, questions about "Stoneflies of Ohio" or to report new findings.
Lacewings (Neuroptera) of Ohio
