Solis, M.A. 2008. Chapter 19. Aquatic and Semiaquatic Lepidoptera. (In) R.W. Merritt, K.W. Cummins and M.B. Berg. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America (4th Ed.) Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa.

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Macroinvertebrate Taxa List.

Rings, R.W., E.H. Metzler, F.J. Arnold and D.H. Harris. 1992. The Owlet Moths of Ohio, Order Lepidooptera, Family Noctuidae. Ohio Biol. Surv. Bull. New Series vol. 9, No. 2. This monograph gives atlas data showing counties where species in the genus Bellura have been collected; and, flight dates of adult emergence. Host plants for the species are also indicated.

beetlebannerbeetlebannerbeetlebannerbeetlebannerbeetlebannerbeetlebannerbeetlebannerbeetlebannerWATER MOTHS (LEPIDOPTERA) OF OHIO