1.         Larvae with 7 pairs of 4- to 5-segmented lateral filaments on abdomenal segments 1-7 and a             single long caudal filament; 25 mm or less when full grown. . . . . . . Sialidae, Sialis Lateille

            Larvae with 8 pairs of 2-segmented lateral filaments on abdomal segments 1-8, and a pair of 1-            segmented filaments on abdominal segment 10; apex of abdomen with 2 anal prolegs, each             bearing a pair of claws; 30-65 mm when full grown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corydalidae






Megaloptera of Ohio

Key to Megaloptera Nymphs Families

From Flint, Evans & Neunzig, 2008