1.         Metathoracic sa 1 sclerites with no major setae on membrane anterior to these sclerites or             beside them, long sword-like setae on posterior margins of mmit- and hind femora dark;                         abdominal segment I having about 50 setae ventrally and 6-10 setae on each side of                         dorsal hump; terbite IX with 2-3 setaee arising from membrane on each side; small                         brooks. [Note: only reported from one Ohio county, Carrol]. Rare. . . . . . . . . . . Frenesia difficulis

            Metathoracic sa1 sclerites with 4 major setae on membrane anterior to these sclerites and 3-4              major setae beside them; long sword-like setae on poeterior margins of all femora clear to             yellowish; abdominal segment I having about 100 setae ventrally and about 15 setae on each             side of dorsal hump; tergite IX with irregular row of 8-10 setae arising from membrane on each             side; seepage areas and small brooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frenesia missa

*Ohio EPA does not carry this genus to species.





Caddisflies of Ohio

Key to Species of Frenesia* Nymphs

From Morse et al., 2017
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