1.         Mesofemora each with ventral seta 3 arising in line with dorsal seta 1 or distal to it by no more             than approximate distance between ventral setae 4 and 5; head setae no. 17 subequal to or             greater in thickness than setae 15 and more than 1/2 length of setae 15, generally dark brown;             head black with whitish or yellowish markings formiing distinctive patterns of broad dark or light             longitudinal bands, these bands continuing onto thoracic nota. . . . . . . . . Psilotreta indecisa

            Mesofemora each with ventral seta 3 arising distal to dorsal seta 1 by more than distance                         between ventral seta 4 and 5; head seta no. 17 much thinner than setae 15 and no                         longer than 1/2 length of setae 15, colorless to light brown; head uniformly reddish                                     brown or with pale ares laterally; thoracic nota niformly reddish brown to pale                                     yellowish, or with indistinct darker markings marginally. Rare, reported in just                                     2 counties, Venton and Guernsey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psilotreta rufa






Caddisflies of Ohio

Key to Species of Psilotreta Nymphs

From Morse et al., 2017
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